General Information

Self-Help Topics and Information

A quick guide to all of the information from the Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court.

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Understanding the Basics

See what you need to know to take action.
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Self-Help Information

Find information on family law in Ohio and the processes and procedures in Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court. 

Start or Answer Your Case

Divorce, Dissolution or Legal Separation
Filing for Divorce with Children
Filing for Divorce without Children
Filing for Dissolution
Filing an Answer to Divorce
Cuyahoga County Divorce Process
Cuyahoga County Dissolution Process
Cuyahoga County Legal Separation Process
Child Support
Child Custody, Visitation and Shared Parenting
Getting Organized for Your Divorce or Dissolution
Grounds for Divorce
Property, Assets and Debts
Spousal Support
Temporary Support Orders
Writing a Parenting Plan

Start Your Civil Protection Order Case

Domestic and Dating Violence Protection Orders

Complete Your Judgment Entry

Completing Your Final Judgment Entry

Change Your Existing Order

Changing a Custody Order
Changing a Parenting Time Order
Changing a Child Support Order
Changing an Order from a Different County or State

Get Ready for Court

General Court Information
Courtroom Do's and Don'ts
Getting Ready for a Hearing
Speaking Up in Court

Other Topics

Finding a Lawyer
Serve your Court Papers
Enforcing a Court Order


Form Assistants

Use our step-by-step interviews to find and complete the forms you need.

Divorce with Children
Divorce without Children
Dissolution with Children
Dissolution without Children
Legal Separation with Children
Legal Separation without Children
Divorce with Children Answer
Divorce without Children Answer
Reply to Counterclaim to Divorce with Children
Reply to Counterclaim to Divorce without Children
Legal Separation with Children Answer
Legal Separation without Children Answer
Establish a Family Case
Motion to Change Custody
Motion to Change Parenting Time
Motion to Change Child Support
Petition to Register Foreign Order
Request for Hearing to Contest Registration of Foreign Order
Joint Motion to Change Residential Parent for School Purposes
Motion for Contempt
Domestic and Dating Violence CPO
Child Support Calculator
Review or Adopt Administrative Order

Fillable .pdfs

Download and complete the forms you need.

Motion for Continuance
Request for Service
Affidavit Form

Forms and Letters

Find forms and letters that you can fill out yourself.
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Local Government and Community Resources

Find courts and helpful resources in your community.
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